Strategy & Tips

6 Virtual Events Ideas You Can Host In The Year 2021

In response to the spread of COVID-19 and movement control orders, the demand for virtual events has risen to cope with the year 2020. People love connection no matter what. Event organizers started to pivot the traditional physical events online to maintain the momentum of the world. Surprisingly, fewer people do attend the virtual event for networking.

Virtual events are similar to physical events in which people can connect on an online platform to share information. Hosting a virtual event is always not easy work. It allows the host to create a unique event experience by creating a branded design virtual environment to share the content. 

There are many kinds of virtual events with any scale that can be hosted. In this article, we will be introducing you to a few types of virtual events you can conduct for the year 2021

1. Virtual Annual General Meeting

Annual General Meeting (AGM) is a yearly event for the listed company to communicate effectively with the shareholders on the company’s achievements and future direction. It engages all the industry leaderships to discuss the business performances and vote on the resolutions.

A virtual AGM is now a popular virtual event to meet the shareholders online. It seems like a long-term solution for the entrepreneurs as the shareholders don’t need to move from place to place during the busy schedule. Higher attendee numbers, a greater engagement, a lower cost, save time, which enlarges the benefits to conduct a virtual AGM in the future.  

2. Virtual Award Ceremony

An award Ceremony recognizes the achievements after the hard work to continue moving towards the goals. It can be a stand-alone event and often a gala event.

A seamless virtual award ceremony creates a dynamic celebration experience, strengthens the company culture, and generates a high-profile of the business. To ensure the live stream goes smoothly, you can inform the winners in advance to pre-record the content. Get the winners’ backgrounds and profiles and display on-screen inspire the audiences and boost motivation within the community. 

3. Virtual Launching

 Product launch to the market is crucial to make the first impression to introduce the product to the public. A successful virtual launch manages to target a broader exposure of international audiences. The content-rich online platform eases the process to deliver product knowledge cost-effectively. With interactive features like 1-1 audio/video chat room or presentations, it provides detailed elements and measurable insights to increase the prospective customers.

4. Virtual Webinar

A webinar has a shorter time-line as compared to a conference. Similar to an online presentation, the invited keynote speakers could share something important and educational to the audiences with a slideshow.

 The webinar must be boring? A virtual webinar is a virtual seminar on a specific topic where a host will present a demo or a lecture through live-stream. It equips with a live chats feature that allows the host or speaker to answer the questions and do polling in real-time. You can even create a virtual webinar series in which a few sessions are available to join for a certain period. 

5. Virtual Conference

 An in-person conference requires much time and effort in planning. It serves as an important business meeting that allows people to expand their networking and learn something knowledgeable.

A virtual conference is a combination of live streaming and virtual meetings. It is a great way to educate your audience from far. You would have multiple presenters on multiple virtual stages to deliver multiple topics throughout various times of the day. The attendees can pick from and attend any session they are interested in.

6. Virtual Trade Show

 A virtual trade show is a place where the exhibitors showcase their products and services. It can be a job fair, career fair, and exhibition. There are no size limits due to the online space, more product information and demonstration can be presented to the visitors across locations and time. The virtual trade show equipped with Q&A and Briefcase features provides larger networking for the industry suppliers to e-meet the attendees. It is also a popular tool to capture potential leads and collect the ROI in a short period.


Virtual events with a variety of options and functionality help event organizers to fast respond to the sustainable world. It is cost-effective with a global engagement and immersive environment. The a.c.e Team is currently working to develop more connections within our virtual platform to deliver a more memorable experience to our attendees.

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