Strategy & Tips

Bring To You: The TOP 3 Trends In 2022 Event Industry

‘Back to the normal’ is now the major concern around the world. However, it seems unlikely that our life will return to normalcy of pre-pandemic conditions in the next few years. Living in a world of constant changes, the principle of survival of the fittest is urgently needed to be applied to all business fields as only the one who knows how to adapt to the new environment can survive.

In the event industry, technology and pandemics do not collide. Constant changes in technology have revolutionized the event planning landscape. Therefore, only by moving forward, then event planners can gain a foothold in the field.

Knowing the future trends is important in the first place when we need to move forward. In fact, for the event trends in 2022, we can try to predict it, and hopefully, create a good direction for the industries to head to the future.


1. Hybrid events will continue to grow at a rapid pace.

2. Health & safety guidelines come first.

3. Fresh venue ideas are in high demand.

Hybrid Events Will Continue to Grow at a Rapid Pace

Live + Virtual = Hybrid Event. This is a new event form that consists of various benefits. A new study from LinkedIn reveals what some event professionals are expecting. In the future, 40% of events will be virtual, 36% will be in-person, and the remaining 24% will be hybrid events (Michael Feeley 2021). The data is only a small part of the picture, but the demand is there. This best of both worlds event form is going to be put into an important position again and again.

Hybrid events need to be accompanied by the development of new technologies. It even drives the continuous development of technology products to accommodate the new changes. Hybrid events are expected to reach new heights in 2022 and the following years because more rich data is made available, and better opportunities for mutual communication can be experienced through hybrid events. To summarize, the current trend demonstrates a phenomenon: hybrid events are becoming a plus point for event organizers.

Health & Safety Guidelines Come First

No one can underestimate the destructive coronavirus’s infectiousness. None of us is brave enough to take down the virus. Hence, safety and health plans around the world (or at least in Malaysia) starting in 2020, are naturally at the forefront of all activities that happen.

Everyone, including event participants, now has a basic need for health and safety. Their perceptions of safety and health issues had to shift. To that end, health and safety guidelines are a ‘must-have’. We won’t be able to completely eradicate them in a few years. Therefore, event planners must be prepared for safety and hygiene. If the event is offline, it is necessary to disinfect frequently and keep the event site ventilated. A comprehensive set of safety and health guidelines is required for successful event planning, and this will continue over the next few years.

Fresh Venue Ideas are in High Demand

What is the first venue that comes to mind when you want to host an event? Traditionally, we will consider the most practical hotel ballrooms or shopping mall’s conference halls. These venues appear to accompany event planners throughout their lives as their existence is indispensable in the proposal. 

Looking ahead, clients may require novel venue ideas in addition to hotels, as today’s audiences are more creative. They are more likely to favor new ideas that are both persuasive and actionable. For instance, if the wedding reception is planned in the garden, it may draw attention to the entire event.

While the fresh venue ideas are appealing, hotels will never be replaced. As professional event planners, we must think creatively. Some clients will still insist on holding their event in a hotel, if some out-of-box ideas can be provided, it will be a bonus point. Event planners must work hard to come up with an ‘icing on the cake’ idea that will provide our valuable clients with a completely fresh and novel feel even though the event is in a hotel. 

Three future event trends are discussed in this article. To summarise, the pandemic has caused rapid changes in every industry. To meet various challenges, every industry is creating its own new value. Understanding some of the trends in your industry is beneficial for your organisation. One thing you have to keep in mind is to always keep an eye on the latest trends which will bring you ahead of the competition. 

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