Strategy & Tips

Why I Don’t Recommend Corporations To Rely On A Webinar When Coming To Investor Relations?

Talking about financing, we are not experts. 

Talking about setting a hook to the heart of the investor, we do exceptionally well.

Just because they are not your investors now doesn’t mean they are not in the future. They might have some incredible resources that you have never thought of and that might be the little spice to your business success. 

Keeping the relationships with investors ongoing is fundamental for every business. Although investors are unable to work day in a day with you, they surely play a significant role in your business growth. And you, as an entrepreneur, it’s your responsibility to strengthen ties with your investors. 

Almost all corporations find that creating a 2-way communications channel is the best tool to archive workplace learning and connection balancing. Webinars are always the first choice that comes to mind to keep the investors up to date while conveying the vision and goals. Just like most virtual events, a webinar is beneficial in terms of flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and overcoming geographical boundaries. 

Are you one of them who planning to host a webinar?

We received a corporate inquiry recently, and here’s the question from him: “I would like to host a series of webinars that help me meet my investors.”

We probably receive this kind of question more than 100 times, and our answer is always, “No, it will be the wrong move.”

While there are benefits to hosting a webinar, there are also potential drawbacks. It is certainly a different story when it comes to investor relations. In an effort to shed some light, let me share with you why I don’t recommend corporations to rely on a webinar when coming to investor relations. What’s the reason?

Everybody knows what a webinar is and how it should be conducted. Quality webinars are great for building investor relations and getting your corporation’s reputation out there. However, we see too many failed webinars just that they have all the common mistakes. An easier way to read these four mistakes out, let’s call them the FUEL mistakes.

Four FUEL Mistakes When Conducting A Webinar

  1. Function

Talking about the technology, there are too many potential risks, including different device access, internet connection, and software problems. People always judge your webinar hosting abilities based on the receiving end. If their webinar experience is poor, your investors will leave a negative impression on you. Yet, you can do nothing other than just do your part.

  1. Users

Clear dialogue between you and your investors is necessary for you to listen and understand their concerns. A major con to webinars is that they lack physical interactions. In fact, webinars do fantastic work in audio-visual interaction, the dehumanized feel is real. It is difficult to get your investors and you engage in a deep conversation, causing the unwillingness to share during the webinar sessions.

  1. Experience

People have utilized webinars as learning methods to deliver lessons, and training programs, with great success. Even so, they do not help in bonding. Let’s be honest, webinars have little to no teamwork involved. Of course, we can have small group discussions as well as a group brainstorming in the webinars. The sessions might be a waste of time and cause fatigue when we have no hands-on experience.

  1. Location

Webinars bring your investors across the globe together to share ideas and exchange knowledge. How can you ensure there is no distraction in the office or home where they are located. Your investors would more easily than ever lose focus. Even worse, they may find they miss the important message that you are trying to convey in the conversation when multitasking. In that case, they may lose confidence in you due to the uncertainty of ​​how they will be received.

Are you going to stop hosting webinars after listening to us? 

No no no… That’s no reason to write off webinars hosting entirely. Webinars are the extra channel, as the FUEL to reach your investors. Anyhow, do not rely on it. It would probably have caused the FUEL leakage at your webinars and those common mistakes are the reason why I don’t recommend corporations to rely on a webinar when coming to investor relations.

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