A company event is always the first item to be chopped out from the limited budget. Some people might think that the annual dinner is just a simple dinner and might not necessary to have it.
It’s more than a dinner!
Instead, the company annual dinner is a yearly affair where all the leaders, employees, partners, and sponsors of an organization sit together and mingle around to enjoy the night with delicious meals and drinks. It is also a time for the employees to dress up their best for the event!
Don’t you believe that an annual dinner does help to boost the company culture, validate your employees, extend publicity, enhance corporate image, more and more! Looks how fun is the UMLand Annual Dinner and you will know why!
ABOUT a.c.e
Our passionate event team is always bringing the events to life with the strong knowledge and resources needed. If you need any service in any aspect of event planning, drop us a message or send in your email to us. Also, visit our Facebook and Instagram to know more!